Refutation of the disinformation about Monica Pignotti

Since there seems to be some interest in when the book, Science and Pseudoscience in Social Work, that I am co-authoring with Bruce Thyer is going to be published, here is an update. My coauthor has a very demanding schedule, so we have had to move up our due dates.  However, we are now in the process of working on our final edits and revisions and hope to have this completed and to the publisher by sometime this summer. At that time, it is up to the publisher when the book goes to press, but we are hoping for the end of 2012 or early 2013.

Unlike self-published books which can be dashed off quickly without any kind of review and can go to press in a matter of months, it is not at all unusual for an academic, peer reviewed book, as ours is, to take a number of years to go through the process of reviews, revision and finally, publication.

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